Sunday, December 6, 2009

2nd Hair Cut

Reese and I drove to LevelSpaSalon to get our hair cut. This was Reese’s second time and I was really proud of how well she did. One funny thing that did happen was while I was getting my hair washed. Reese wanted to stand next to me and just randomly said “My daddy poops in the bathroom.” The only reason I can even think of why she said this was a) The porcelain bowls that they wash your hair in and b) That was what he was doing when we left :-). I had a good laugh though. When it was her turn she hopped right up in the chair and was so still. She did look at Andrea and said “You be careful with those scissors. Don’t hurt my head.”

After our hair cuts we met Christine, Julia, Darbi, and Rylee for lunch at Fuddruckers. The girls exchanged gifts and had a wonderful time together. After we finished up our lunch we went to North Point Mall for them to play in the play area. They had a train that rode the length of the mall so we let Darbi and Reese ride on it. They had a great time together! And I got a pair of the cutest shoes ever!!! I really hope they're comfortable!

I can never get the 2 of them to look at the camera at once.

I have no idea who the little girl in the red was. Darbi was hiding in this one.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

i love Reese's random comments! Hehe!