Monday, December 7, 2009

Kaylynn Christine Ward (Part #2)

I spent the day in Newnan taking pictures of Kaylynn. Michelle was nice enough to let me torture her baby for the day. She is such a sweet little girl and it made me remember what it was like to have Reese at that age. This time goes by so fast. I wish that I liked photography when Reese was a baby, but I didn't get the bug until she was around 2. So, I feel like I missed out on that time. If we have another, watch out for picture overload!

Kaylynn wearing her Christmas gown from Sweet Treats Kids
Sweet Gown

Kaylynn has had a high bilirubin counts so she's had to do a few blood tests. Her poor little feet!

This is my absolute favorite picture that I took of her. I love how her lower lip is pouty. I made this cocoon/papoose to take pictures of her in. I left her in it while I ate lunch and she just snoozed away. I think she loved being wrapped up in it.
Pouty Lip





Snuggled in

I made this hat for her as well
Hat 2

My next attempt was to have Kaylynn on some Christmas packages. If I ever try this again I'll make the depth smaller because they were really too big to photograph.

Package 2

She was not a happy girl when we rearranged the blanket!
Not happy!

After a few taps on her bottom she settled back down
Merry Christmas!




There was one other picture but Michelle is putting that on her birth announcement so I'll save it for later. Thanks Michelle for letting me play with Kaylynn for the day!

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