Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 2-Doolin

After the cliffs we decided to eat lunch at a pub in Doolin, Ireland which was about a mile from the cliffs. It is a fishing town. Click here to read all about it. I wish that we had spent a little more time in the town because it was so quaint. We walk in and see US dollar bills taped all over the wall. We of course have to add our own and you can see it to the right of the second picture frame from the left.

It says "Congrats Fran & Allan" on the left. We left a little bit of Atlanta in Doolin :-).

On the way outside of town there was an old cemetery. I stopped and took a few pictures.
Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

Doolin, Ireland Cemetary

We got stuck behind a farmer and his cows driving back to Galway.
Move Cows Move!

Move Cows Move!

I think there is a park like this everywhere, but this one was just so random.

After we got back to the hotel we were tired so we decided to go to a movie and relax. We saw Avatar in 3-D and it was pretty good. After the movie we couldn't find anywhere to eat! It was only 10PM and everything was closed, so we had to eat at....Subway. And in case you ever decide to eat Subway in Ireland they don't have oil and vinegar! The shame!





I, as usual, went to bed while the 3 of them stayed up and played cards. I have been told, by Ryan, that she creamed them all and wanted the pictures to prove it. So, here is the proof.




This was our last night in Galway and we were headed back to Dublin in the morning. It was time for the wedding festivities!

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