Friday, December 25, 2009


Christmas gets more and more fun as Reese gets older. She is involved so much more and she tells mommy what daddy got her for Christmas :-)

Before Tornado Reese hit
Santa ate all of the cookies!
Reese ran into the living room. When she got there she stopped dead in her tracks and said "I didn't ask for all of this stuff. I only wanted a Frosty and a Rudolph." The poor thing didn't know what to think of all of those presents! Between us and Santa she really did get too much stuff. I have to remember that next year!
She got so much Cheetah Girls stuff. She definitely wasn't complaining when she started opening all of it!

After all of the fun we had to pack Reese up and mom took her for the next couple of weeks. We were headed to Europe!!
On the way to the airport. David got me a Tomtom for Christmas so he was trying it out.
We had a bite to eat before our flight took off.

On the plane


Vicki said...

Love your BOOTS!

Amazing photos-- looks like a lifetime of memories...I'll admit...I am jealous of your escape overseas!

and WOW! Your living room looked like something out of a magazine Christmas morning! Beautiful decor. Glad my daughter wasnt the only spoiled one...;-) ...Paige made comments as well about things she got from Santa that she didnt ask for....

Erin said...

Thanks Vicki. I love my boots too. I coveted those things for months before I bought them. I just hope I get more use out of them!

The trip was amazing and a trip of a lifetime. It makes me want to save up and take a trip like that once every 5 years or something. It's just so awesome to see the rest of the world!

When I took the decorations down last weekend I broke the "wish" that was above my mantle. I just bought the darn thing!