Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Reese wanted to make cookies for Santa this year so that's what we did! Allan (my boss, Fran's fiance) gave me a Christmas gift that included cookie dough. All the more reason why we made cookies, barely any work!
She was having a hard time with the hat
The dough was a little hard so after she did a few she wanted me to take over.
We normally have Christmas Eve at my Aunt Linda and Uncle Ernie's house but they were out of town. So, everyone crammed into my tiny house to celebrate together.

Christie got me this bottle of wine for my birthday
I think Ryan liked Reese's toys the most!

Nanny made a trip out of the nursing home and she had such a wonderful time. Reese doted on her the entire time. She would come over and give her hugs and kisses. She would check on her to make sure she was OK. Nanny did really well and lasted a few hours before she was ready to head back. I loved having her here!
Me and my nanny!

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