Friday, December 4, 2009

Kaylynn Christine Ward

I am very excited to announce that my best friend, Michelle, had her baby 12/3/09 at 1:49 AM. She weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz and 19.5 in" long. Michelle said her labor went well and she only pushed for 20 minutes. You really can't ask for more than that! (Other than those stories about women going to the bathroom and having a baby. Those women just lie!!! :-) I'm sure all of their babies slept through the night at 2 weeks as well.) I wasn't allowed to see her because of H1N1. You had to be the father or a grandparent. Stupid rule! So, I drove down after work to meet little Kaylynn. I actually beat them home from the hospital and enjoyed the quiet until they got there.
Home from the hospital! She looks so tiny in that car seat!

Doesn't Michelle look great!! I looked nothing like this when I brought Reese home.

So cute in her coming home outfit

She doesn't even fill up preemie shoes

Michelle did a great job decorating the nursery. I wish I would have gotten more shots of it. I took this while she was changing a nasty diaper.

While Michelle was trying to nurse Brady got home and he was so excited to see his new sister. He had presents for her and just wanted to hug, kiss, and hold her. He was so adorable with his medical gloves on. Dakota, their dog, came over to sniff Kaylynn and I thought Brady was going to beat him up. He's already so protective of her! It didn't take long though for Brady to start asking Michelle what she was doing, LOL.

I totally have baby fever!!!!

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