Friday, December 11, 2009

Reese's School Party

Reese's class had a party this year for Christmas and each parent was responsible for bringing something. I made poppy seed chicken and everyone was scared to eat it. I was afraid I would be bringing home a double size casserole of it. But, after everyone took a tiny taste people came back for seconds and then 2 people asked for recipes. Michelle's recipe rocks! There was a huge spread of food and it was all really good.

A parent brought in a cake with the class picture on it. It was a big hit.

All of the kids were waiting patiently for their food. I asked Reese who wrote on the wall and she started to tell me and the kid's parents were there. She then proceeded to tell me how bad this kid was and I couldn't get it her to stop! I will never ask her anything at school again!
Yummy cupcakes!

After the party we headed into the sanctuary for their Christmas program. I don't know what it is but when myself or David is around Reese becomes extremely timid and clingy. She didn't want to sit by herself and just kept acting up. I had to go sit with her class! I wish I knew how to correct that behavior. I don't know what to do!

The program was titled "Wild West Christmas". It was interesting, LOL!

The Pre-K classes started the program with reciting John 3:16-17 and singing Jingle Bells

The afternoon was a lot of fun, but was exhausting!!

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