After shopping and touring all day we all ran back into our rooms to get ready for the New Years Eve Gala. Fran and Allan hosted a small party before the party in their suite. Always the gracious hosts!
Ryan took all of these pictures so I can't take credit. Oh...and beware of my cleavage again....
Allan getting drinks for everyoneRyan took all of these pictures so I can't take credit. Oh...and beware of my cleavage again....
We all teased Ryan because she was wearing a former prom dress. So, I had them pose like the prom. I was really just hating on her because she can fit into her high school clothes...
David obviously wanted to be in the picture with Misty and Ryan
Jay and David
Here I am trying to have my picture taken with Sheila and Fran. They are obviously not wanting a picture taken with me...
Me and Kimmie
Sheila and I think that this picture was for us. Obviously was for Carrie
They really are kids at heart
Rachelle and her friend. I can't recall his name because I never caught it because I could never understand him. His accent was too thick! :-) I normally just smiled and nodded anytime he talked to me! But he does look like he could be in a James Bond flick.
The girls at our table
All of us!
Alan and Rachelle. Such a sweet couple.
I look hot in these!
The MC had Fran and Allan come on stage to dance to their first dance song. Fran horrified and Allan's just not sure...
They so love each other
The legal drinking age in Ireland is 18 and the 18 year olds were out in force. But, I can't believe their parents let them out in the outfits they were wearing. This was our FAVORITE Barbie girl!
And this girl, well she has no friends. What kind of friend would let you go out like this????
Is started snowing that night and it was just gorgeous! John and Ryan braved the cold to get this awesome picture.
We had a great time ringing in the New Year. We were off to Prague the next day!