Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask...

Tue night my mom brought Reese home from swim lessons and I noticed a slight rash on her cheeks. I thought it was kind of odd but didn't ponder over it too much. We're having bedtime issues and she kept complaining that the sheets were itchy. I'm still not sure if that is true. By the time she woke up the next morning her cheeks were red and the rash went down her neck and I noticed a little on her arms. I dropped her off at daycare and then on the ride into work I called my sister and she thought she might have Fifth Disease. So, I pulled over and did a google search and I thought that was what she had. So I turned around and decided to take her to the doctor. I knew I was going to get a phone call anyway. So I took her to the doctor's office and saw the nurse practitioner. This is where the story gets good...

So Reese kept saying she didn't want the Dr looking in her nose. She said she wasn't sneezing and that the Dr didn't need to look there. I had forgotten they stuck a cotton swab up her nose when she had the flu. So her and the NP are getting along great and Reese is being her little charming self. So, the NP and I are talking and Reese goes up to her and rubs her leg along her shin. I am so mortified! The NP says "Do I need to shave?" Reese nods her and exclaims "Yes!" Thank goodness those that work in Peds are used to this kind of stuff!


Vicki said...

LOL! So.....did ya ever find out what caused the rash?

Erin said...

It was fifth disease!