Monday, August 31, 2009

My baby is 4!!!!!!!!!!!

To mark this grand occasion my blog is getting a new name! Thanks Marianne for the cutie name!

I took the day off of work so I could take cupcakes to Reese's school. I decided to color them blue to go with the Spider-Man theme. Some of the kids were so thrown off by the blue cupcake that they just stared at it. The teachers actually had to tell the kids that it was OK. It doesn't phase Reese; I guess she is used to my crazy baking. I honestly don't know how the teachers do it. I spent about 45 minutes there and it was exhausting!!!

Reese got to be the line leader all day long. I actually got tears in my eyes that her teacher allowed her something so special for her birthday. Reese gets very excited when she gets to be line leader

Reese with her teacher Mrs Wilder. So, far I really like her. She teaches independence and Reese has learned so much! You should hear her sing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" and say the Pledge of Allegiance. It is the cutest thing ever!!

Mrs Wilder had me take a picture of these kids. They were COVERED in chocolate. I know that the parents will really appreciate that! After I took the picture they swarmed me and wanted to look at the picture. I think it is so funny that kids automatically expect that. If we wanted an instant picture it was a Polaroid!

Reese eating her cupcake

Reese got to choose 3 friends to share a special table.
My mom buys Reese a cupcake every year for her birthday.

Holy cupcake! In case you are wondering it came from Publix. Oh the shame!! It wasn't organic!!! ;-)

My mom asks for a taste and Reese pulled it away from her

I played around with zoom bursts on the extra cupcake.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Mmmmm... i woulda eaten just the frosting off that cupcake, too! Did she ever sleep that night? ;-)

Can't believe our babies are 4. Cute new Blog title!

Reese's school looks like a lot of fun, all those kids in their lil uniforms are adorable.