Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Reese has been getting out of bed A LOT lately. She does it when we put her down and during the night. David is out of town so I really just needed a good night's sleep. So, I decided to bribe her. Now what I offered was really just horrible but I thought it might be good enough to work. So I told her if she stayed in her bed and went right to sleep and stayed asleep she could have a fudgesicle for breakfast. Yes, yes I know that's just horrible to offer your child something like that for breakfast. But, people I was DESPERATE. And it is sugar free. :) So, we go over all of the things she must do in order to earn this treat. I have confidence that it is going to work!!

I tuck her in and give her a kiss good night and I park my tired behind on the couch. 5 minutes later Little Miss Thing comes out of her room and says "Mommy, I need to tell you something. Chocolate popsicles aren't good for me so I'm just going to eat my breakfast in the morning."


ONE DAY!!!! ONE DAY I will outsmart my little girl. I wonder how old I will be and will I be of sound mind to actually know it???

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