Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Dentist Visit

Reese had her very first dentist visit. I really do get the Worst Mommy of the Year award for this one. I should have taken her a long time ago. She was really nervous to get her x-rays done but I was able to get her into the chair. Then came actually seeing the dentist. It was a really tall, muscular guy so Reese was completely intimidated, but she finally came around. Then it was time for the teeth cleaning. So, she had to get into another chair and I think she had it by then. This time she didn't just whimper but she started to get some tears. So, the hygienist just brushed her teeth with a regular toothbrush and showed her all of the tools for next time. I hope she does better! I didn't get any pictures because she was so nervous I didn't think she'd appreciate the camera in her face. We did get in and out in 30 mins. Pretty good!

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