Sunday, August 16, 2009

Portrait Session

POST 100! WHO HOO!!!

We had our annual portrait session today and I was really excited for Ann to shoot it. It was a misty, overcast day but the rain held off. Ann got some great shots and I can't wait to share! But, I had to share some pictures I got later that day.

We told Reese that for her hard work she was going to be able to have ice cream as a special treat. Well, our photography session was over at 10:30 and nothing was open. Reese wasn't happy that the "ice cream store" wasn't open when she wanted it to be. So, we met Fran and friends for her birthday lunch. On a completely side note I just have to say that I love the way Reese says "Aunt Fran". It's so country :). Anyway, we went and ate ice cream after lunch and these are the pictures I took with my camera phone.

I didn't even have to ask her to cross her legs like this. I saw her sitting there and had to take a picture. I tried to get her to cross her legs in her session, but she refused.

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