Saturday, August 29, 2009

Reese's 4th Birthday Party

Reese had a Spider-Man themed birthday party this year thanks to Mr Brady Ward. Reese went to his party in June and ever since she saw that party she insisted she needed a Spider-Man party as well. Next year Brady is having a princess party! :-) We decided to have Willy's cater it again so we wouldn't have to worry about the food again. I found myself with nothing to do about 2 hours before the party. That never happens!!

A big thank you to Michelle for taking the majority of these pictures. I would have gotten nothing!

Allison with adorable Evan

Her Spider-Man cake. He is supposed to be climbing up a wall. There is a second Spider-Man just to observe

Reese loved everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her. Her poor piggy tails didn't hold up very well after jumpy in her jumpy house for an hour. Just a side note, did you know that "Happy Birthday" is copyrighted and to sing it in public you have to pay royalties? That is why restaurants change up the words.

Blowing out her candles. It took a couple of tries.

Licking the icing off the candles. Is it just instinct to want to do this??

Brady and Reese. Other than baby Evan Brady was outnumbered!

Ella, Brady, and Reese

Chowing down. She ate hers in no time flat. We even gave her seconds.

She didn't appreciate the interruption :-)

Opening all of her presents
We had a blast and it seemed like it was over so quickly. It was total chaos and so different from last year. There were kids running around everywhere and having the best time. I wouldn't have changed any of it for the world!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Happy B'Day, Reese!

This year WAS different from the past...they are so much more independent and less clingy. Paige just did her own thing and was more interested in running around and playing with all her cousins/friends rather than hang with us....

They sure are growing up! Great photos!