Sunday, August 2, 2009

Apple of My Eye

Reese may not look like me but she definitely has some of my personality traits. Whether that is good or bad you have to decide for yourself! :) I picked Reese up from school one day and her teacher wanted to discuss Reese and her work. Now this part isn't me...She only likes to trace her name even though she can write it herself. She does so at home all the time! But, what she told me next had us both laughing. Reese was to do a "color by number". The teacher instructed them all to color the number "1" blue. Do you know what my baby girl did? She only colored the #1 blue. Then when the teacher said "No, Reese you color it all blue" She preceded to color the entire picture blue. She only did exactly what the teacher said! I can see a very precise, detail oriented kid in my future!

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