Saturday, August 8, 2009

Swim Lessons

My very generous mother offered to pay for swimming lessons for Reese this year. She gets 12 25-minute with one-on-one instruction. She was so scared that first lesson. She didn't want to put her face in the water or let the instructor go. She has since then become a pro!

Reese practicing her kicks. Those are Spider-Man goggles she is wearing. She insisted on them.

Getting ready to push off

Off she goes!

I think he has been her favorite instructor

Getting ready for a long swim. Look at that hiney!

Her cutie little booty!

She went far!

Her instructor said that she is an excellent floater. They teach her to swim under water and then he touches her on top of the head. She then turns herself over and floats on her back. He lets her rest for a moment and then taps her head and she starts swimming again.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

AMAZING! Very much worth the cost (even tho you didnt pay for it)...Paige's cheap lessons were great as well and got her over her fears of swimming, but didnt cover nearly as much as Reese's! She's gonna be a lil pro!