Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Leaving Prague is very bittersweet. I absolutely loved my time in Ireland and Czech but I also miss my little girl. We talked to her briefly everyday and I could tell that she was doing OK. I know that mom was waiting for us to get back. I joked with her that she would be waiting at the airport and throw her at us, LOL!

Our flight was slightly delayed leaving Prague because the fog was so bad. I got a little freaked because you wouldn't see a plane until it hit the runway until it was on the ground. OK, I lied. I was MAJORLY freaked out. Our take off was extremely bumpy because of the clouds. But, as soon as we broke free I hadn't seen that much sunshine in days!

6/365 Fog

It was a fairly short flight to our layover in Paris. We had to leave security to to to a different terminal. What a pain! Not to mention the RUDE French person that stamped my passport. He basically threw it at me and it slid off the counter onto the floor. We then had to go through security again before we could get on the flight into the USA. Everyone was questioned, had your bag searched and then patted down. You can imagine how long it took for us to get onto the flight. Once we got on David and I had a pretty good seat and had plenty of leg room. After we took off I took my Xanax and took a nap :-). I read a good bit of my book and watched a couple of movies.

When we finally landed I was super excited to see my baby girl! Ryan went into her room first and I could hear Reese talking to her. When she saw me she flew off her bed and went running into my arms. Ryan asked for a hug and Reese said "Wait just a minute OK Ryan? I have to hug my daddy first." She then ran through the house trying to find David. When we tucked her in that night she said "I knew you would come back to me mommy!" It was a great homecoming!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

awwww..i just cried over your homecoming! Hehe.