Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 7-Off to Prague!

Today is a travel day so we didn't have too much to do. We slept in and started to pack our bags for our next leg of the trip. I hadn't had a "traditional" Irish meal so we ate in the hotel and I got Guinness pie I believe. It was basically a beef stew with a puff pastry on top. It was OK but I got tired of it after awhile. After lunch we headed to the airport to catch our flight to Prague. Our flight wasn't until 5 so we had time to kill in the airport. The airport was PACKED due to the snow that had fallen the night before. Our flight ended up getting delayed for 2 hours so I shopped around the airport. I actually got some pretty good stuff so I'm happy that we were delayed. I was able to read too so that was really nice. Ryan got this picture of John with his nose in a book.

We didn't get into Prague until midnight and so we dropped our bags off in the hotel and walked around the city trying to find something to eat. Since it was New Year's Day everything was basically closed so we ended up at McDonald's. It was an experience! David tried to change his order around a bit and the guy looked at him like he was crazy. He said "No, come as is". They also gave you very few condiments and if you wanted more you had to pay for it. It was good to see that they recycled all of the trash so nothing went into a trash can. We also realized that in Czech you basically had to pay to go to the bathroom wherever you went. You were lucky if it was free! We were all in awe walking around the city this first night. The beauty was just breathtaking!

I also started a new project (like I needed one) Jan 1 called Project 365. This is where I have to take a picture every single day for a year. Since today was a travel day there wasn't too much to take a picture of. So, I used my camera phone to take a picture of the inside of the plane. So, during this year I'll share the pictures that I take each day. Some days will be interesting, others not so much.

1/365 Airplane

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