Monday, January 18, 2010


Reese really wanted to go somewhere after school. She just kept begging and coming up with all kinds of suggestions, she even said the mall! I finally agreed and told her we would go to Chick-fil-a. So I ran home to grab a book to read while she played. When we were walking in she went on and on about babies. She said "Mommy, a long time ago" (she actually means the future) "when you have a baby, I'm going to be a great big sister. The baby will be in your tummy just like I was, right mommy?" I nod. "It's REALLY yucky in there, right mommy?" I just started laughing and agree with her. She tells me she has to go to the potty (I love that I don't have to ask her all the time!) and she just continues the conversation. "Mommy, see what a really good listener I am? I will be a GREAT big sister. See me listening mommy???" I think my mom must have been building up the idea of a baby to her.

After she ate she went and played in the playground. This is the same playground where she couldn't even reach to climb up. She'd get so mad and I would have to put her up as much as a could. Now, I get to settle down with a book while she plays to her heart's content! After such a easy trip to CFA I'm not sure if I WANT to start over with a brand new baby!

18/365 CFA

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