Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My second photography class!!

I am so excited to say that I have started my second photography class. Fran wasn’t able to join me this time so I put my big girl panties on and decided to take the class on my own. David, Reese, and I all went down to Atlantic station so I could try and do my assignment. This week we were given a list of words and I we had to take a picture of something that represented the word. I had a VERY hard time with this. I take things very literally and black and white….I’m sure you guys are all nodding your head right now. I cheated and submitted 2 photos that I had taken previously, but I can’t do that again. There were other folks that did it too. So here is what I came up with.

I cheated on this one. It was from my last photography class. This was taken at Oakland Cemetery, I've shared this one before. This was for the word "alone".

This was another one that I cheated on. I took this one in Louisiana at my uncle's house. This one was for "old".

I took this one in Atlantic Station. This is another "old". That is really stretching it though...the metal is kind of rusty :)

This was taken in Ansley Park. I said this was "fear".
This picture is for the word "together". I just love how the bubbles turned out in this picture.

This is another one that I took at Atlantic Station. I said this was "wild" because Reese is our "wild child".

I didn't turn this one in for class, but I just LOVE it!!

So, can you totally tell how I have a hard time being creative???

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