Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ballet Recital

This year has been a struggle getting Reese to do her ballet/tap. The first day of class I actually had to go back with her because she was so upset, the second time they took her back there crying. It did get a little better through the year but she always clung to our legs and didn't want to let us go. She would do some of the things that she learned in class for us, but that wasn't often.

David took her Saturday morning to her ballet rehearsal. What was neat was that it was the same place I had my recital when I was a little girl. Heck, the dance studio where Reese goes is the same place that I went (different building)! My poor baby girl stood on stage totally scared. Her hand in her mouth and just looking around. So, I figured that was what would happen Sunday for her recital.

I took her backstage and was to hand her off to a stage mom. She didn't want to let me go. I told her that if she did her routine she could have a special treat (when in doubt bribe). The stage mom let me take Reese backstage to her chair. Reese didn't like that I was leaving her but she let me leave. I anxiously waited for Reese to come on stage. The lights went up and there was my baby girl! She shocked us all when she actually did her routine! Fran turned to me and said "she's doing it Erin, she's doing it!" I have to tell you that I bawled like a little baby! It was my proudest mommy moment!!

I am very thankful that Ryan was around to french braid the front.

I'm not sure why we have the sad face here. Maybe she was looking for us.

When we picked up Reese back stage she immediately said "Where's my special treat?" Man I love my girl!

She wanted to go eat at Bugaboo for dinner
My little diva!
In case you are wondering my little girl was the cutest one there!!! :) Like you thought otherwise...


Vicki said...

awww...i just got all teared up too! Musta been one of those magical moments...i love when they just utterly surprise & impress us!! Melts your heart-- and at the same time is bittersweet just it just proves how fast they are growing up!

Gooooo Reese! Will she continue classes?

Erin said...

I don't think so. She says she doesn't want to do it anymore :(. We're going to do swim lessons this summer and probably soccer in the fall.

Misty said...

She's adorable in her little ballet outfit. I know you are proud :)