Sunday, April 26, 2009

Callaway Gardens "aka Ode to Fran"

Fran agreed to make the long drive with me to Callaway Gardens so I could practice some of my portrait skills on her. She was a good sport!

These were the first shots that I had that day and they were in the butterfly house. I didn't get any shots of the butterflies because they would land and close their wings. Oh and the one that did actually have it's wings open a little bit...I stepped on it! I felt so bad!

I thought the light was so pretty hitting Fran's face.

Pretty pansies. We are actually growing these in a can right now as a project for Reese.

It was such a gorgeous day!

I couldn't decided if I liked the color or B&W version. She's gorgeous either way!

This was my favorite non-Fran shot of the day. There is just something about it that I love.

Towards the end of the day we got a little silly. This was at the chapel on the grounds.

I liked how this tree framed out the mossy area on the lake.

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