Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Assignment #3

I only have one more week of class! The 6 weeks have gone by so fast and I've learned so many interesting things!

This technique is called "ghosting". This is a long exposure and all done in one shot. David was such a trooper! He got bit by a bunch of ants.

These were done with sparklers and are another example of a long exposure. These ranged from 25-30 seconds.

This one is my absolute favorite!! Maybe from the entire class session. This is what I submitted for my silhouette. The flags were put by our mailbox for Memorial Day and it was David's idea to have Reese hold it. So he put her on his shoulders and I told her to hold it high and to look at the flag. She followed directions! My instructor really liked it as well. She looked at it for a really long time. I really am in love with it!

1 comment:

Misty Poon said...

beautiful silhouette and subject!