Saturday, April 11, 2009


We decided to get a zoo membership this year so I'm sure we'll be heading there quite a bit. This time we went with Heidi and her family along with Fran and Allan. We all had a great time but it was COLD! As soon as we got there Reese saw that Ella was coming too (Heidi's little girl) and Reese was so excited. She ran right up to her and gave her a big hug and they held hands for the majority of the day.

The first thing we did was see the flamingos. The one pro of it being cold was that this area didn't stink. It is normally bad!

They are both just too cute with one another!

This is Heidi's sweet little girl Annalysa. Heidi was holding Ella's sucker and we were all standing around talking at lunch. After a little while we hear this sucking sound and realize that Ana had been sucking on Ella's sucker. In case you wonder the phrase "It's like taking candy from a baby" is a crock!
Julianna (Heidi's oldest), Reese, and Ella having fun together at our picnic

This was the guys coming back from loading everything back into the car. I just love how green it is!

These are some ugly birds but I love the orange/red.
Reese wasn't too happy to see the lions because they eat goats. She started asking to see the goats as soon as we got to the zoo.
Fran and Allan. We are going to their wedding in Ireland in December.
The goat Reese fell in love with.
Standing at the trough. She wouldn't let him out of her sight. Notice her cutie hat I made for her :)

I didn't realize goats have such freaky pupils

Notice their both have the same expression

And again...

And the day isn't complete without a ride on the train!

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