Sunday, April 19, 2009

Visit to West Georgia

A group of my sorority sisters decided to make the boring trek (man I don’t miss that drive) to Carrollton to visit the campus. In some ways the campus is exactly the same and others holy moly! It just wasn’t fair! We didn’t realize how bad we had it! :) They have this state of the art gym and new buildings…totally jealous! Even our hangout had completely changed and was bigger and better than ever. Maybe that is just what happens with least that is what I tell myself!!! We ate at all of our favorite places and just walked around campus. We then went on to “the hall” to visit the girls. They are actually getting a house and will no longer have to live in the dorms. Lucky girls!

Here are a few shots from the day.

This was taken on "The Mounds". This was an area where we all liked to hang out.

Gorgeous Christine
Me and Christine

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