Saturday, April 4, 2009

Egg Hunt #1

Our friend Heidi was very nice to include us in her neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. She has a daughter named Ella who is a few months older than Reese. Reese (of course) was very shy to join Ella. But, Ella, being the sweetheart she is, took Reese by the hand and they tore up the tennis courts where the 4 and under group got to search for eggs. Ella and Reese were a little too old for this area and they took the majority of the eggs. I snuck a few out of Reese’s basket and put them out for the babies.

I, of course, had to capture as many moments as I could. I couldn't keep up with them when they were getting the actual eggs because they were running around too fast!

Fran walking the girls to the tennis courts.

Reese running through the tennis courts to get as many eggs as possible

Reese and Ella after the hunt!

Reese's loot. Unfortunately there was a lot of melted chocolate in these eggs!

Sweet Ella. I loved this picture so much I decided to switch it to B&W

After the hunt they had snacks. I think this was Reese's favorite part. She made that cupcake last a long time!

They also had little trinkets in the eggs. Ella does a mean "argh!"

Overall it was a great day and we look forward to all going to the zoo together this weekend!

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