Friday, April 17, 2009

Birds and the Bees-Phase I

***TMI Warning~If you can't handle body part names then this post isn't for you. Consider yourself warned***

Well, we have started getting the questions about babies. David called me this morning to tell me about the little "chat" he and Reese had last night. Reese was having some TV time before going to bed and they were watching Spirit which is a Disney movie about horses. There is a part where Spirit is born and he basically just "appears". (Gosh how I wish that is how it happens! Makes me think of big huge panda bears and how they give birth to something the size of a stick of butter. I mean REALLY! REALLY!!! Give me a freaking break!!!!! Kangaroos too, those are like the size of ants! Sorry, I digress) Well Reese sees this magical "appearing" and says "Did he come out of his mommy's butt?" Now if I was there I would have said "No sweetie, he comes out of his mommy's belly." What is David's response? "No sweetie, he came out of his mommy's vagina." She takes that in stride and then fast forward in the movie and there are lots of ponies around. She asks "Did those come out of their mommys' baginas too?" "Yes, sweetie. You came out of mommy's vagina too." Her response "Yeah..."

I am sure you all are just as shocked and speechless as I am!


Vicki said...

Haha! Great posts-- love all the pics, always enjoy seeing your lil cutie....and he "attitude" faces are priceless! Haha! Just wait til our girls are teens.... oh my.....

This one is funny tho-- WTG Daddy....wonder who she'll share her new "knowledge" with? Someone in the checkout line at the store, perhaps? ;-)

P knows babies come from mommy's belly....and that Mommy's have to push the baby out. And thats all for now...;-)

April Futey said...

I just love these stories! I could hear them over and over again...oh, just so you know I often repeat these wonderful stories when talking about children. Everyone gets such a kick out of them. You have such a little treasure.....that, by the way, I still have not met!!!!! :-)