Friday, September 26, 2008

And so it begins......

Last night's incident will probably be the beginning of many more to come. Reese was having a hard time last night falling asleep and coming out of her room with a million excuses. We'd end up putting her back and she'd cry. So, the last time she came out because her nose was running. David put her back in her room with a tissue and told her to blow it. 5 minutes later she comes out saying "it's stuck". I hear David saw "OMG Erin she's shoved tissue way up her nose. You've got to come and help me." She had tissue shoved WAY up her nose. She followed instruction very well and tilted her head back and was still while I put tweezers up her nose and pulled out a 2 inch piece of tissue. She seemed to think that was amazing. And so it begins.....

1 comment:

Jamie and I said...

LOL - I can picture this in my head