Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reese's 3rd B-day Party

It was all Dora for Reese's party this year. I have to say that it was so much fun this year because Reese knew what was going on and was just having a blast! Here are some highlights of her party. A big "thank you" to Fran for being my photographer for the day!

She loved her Dora the Explorer bounce house!

Reese and Brady having the time of their lives jumping.

Brady was very sad his Daddy wouldn't come back in and jump with him.

All of that jumping is hard work!

Reese and her future husband :)

Her yummy cake

This is what Reese does anytime she gets nervous. That hand goes right into her mouth.

The adults had margaritas (hey, it went with the Dora theme!) so I knew Reese would want some too. So, her wonderful Aunt Ryan made her own "special juice".

Reese opening up her presents

You know Daddy had to get in on the action!

A hard day of partying!!

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