Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No more pacis!

We have been telling Reese for about a month that when she turns 3 there is no more pacis. I have to thank Super Nanny (she's the best!) for part of our plan. Every night before she went to bed we told her that when she turns 3 she has to give her pacis to the "new babies". So, we had her put all of her pacis in an envelope and put them in the mailbox. Then the paci fairy will come and get her pacis and take them to the new babies. Then the paci fairy would leave her a present. So, that's what we did and she's only asked for them ONE time! She does have some difficulty at night relaxing but we're making progress. But, I had to take some pictures of her last time with her paci.

Yeah, I hear you all now "wow, she's 3 and still had a paci." I bet you have some things you're hiding!! :)

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