Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MY BABY IS 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We had a great family day on Reese's birthday. We went to a "safari" park where you drive around. I use the term "safari" loosely because it was mostly cows and deer, lol. There were some zebra, buffalo, and giraffe. She had a great time though. All of these animals came up to the van we rented. I was happy to be in the back with Reese where there were bars. I have to say that I was absolutely scared one of those nasty animals was going to lick me! Reese actually fed one baby deer. I was very proud of her!

The nasty van that we rode in.

David driving the van. Take a look around him at all the nastiness!

Here is a shot at what one of the vans look like. Nasty, ratty things that were painted with zebra stripes. There was no way I was driving my car through there!

Here you can see one of the cows coming up to David through the driver window. Take a look to the right of David's wrist. That is the cow's tongue! EWWW!

Here is me trying to feed the animals. Most of the time I screamed and tried to throw it in their mouth. Man I'm such a city girl!

And this was how we ended our day. Reese blew her candle out and that was the end of her birthday. Wow I'm sad!!! I have a 3 year old. Where did the time go?????

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