Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monster Mash

Reese school hosted their annual Monster Mash dance for the kids to come and dance in the gym with a DJ.  Those are some crazy kids!  It gave R&R the opportunity to wear their Halloween costumes.  Reese wanted to be a super hero for the 3rd year in a row (sigh) and this year she was Bat Girl.  I really wanted to have Rowan wear a spider costume to match her birthday party theme but Reese really wanted her to be a bat.  So, Reese won out (as usual).  I just looked at the first picture and I'm not sure why they have David's AWFUL pj pants he got on clearance at Walmart but it matches the theme!  Oh, and just to let you know how awful these pants are....I once saw them on a homeless man walking down the street....




Reese with a friend from her class
I think doing the "train" at a dance goes from each generation.  Also notice that Reese's mouth is open in almost every picture, LOL



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