Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Rowie and Happy Halloween!!!!

Today was a crazy busy day.  I worked from home so that I could be home earlier enough to celebrate Rowie's birthday and take Reese ToT.  We went out to dinner to celebrate Rowie's birthday and they gave her a cake and sang to her, she loved it!  I'm glad that they did that because our tradition of having cupcakes on our birthdays didn't happen with Rowie because we were so busy that night getting dressed and going ToT.  I know she didn't miss it this year but I've got to organize it better for years to come.  We are always going to have this issue so I've got to get it figured out!

Reese as a super hero.....again!

My cutie bat!
I tried to get a picture of Reese and Rowan together but Rowan wasn't having it.  All she wanted to do was crawl around!


David took Reese out while I stayed back with Ro and handed out candy.  I have fun decorating for Halloween every year and we had this big spider web with spiders hanging down from the ceiling of the porch.  I loved hearing the moms' talking to their kids before they ring the bell.  "Come on sweetie, they aren't real!"  And the older kids would say "This is the best house ever!"  That made all the work of hanging that damn spider web worth it!  I think David and I spent over an hour on that thing.  Too bad I didn't take a picture of it!!!

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