Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reese turns SIX!

Reese decided this year that she would prefer a sleepover than have a birthday party.  I was ALL about that!!! :-)  She asked to have Darbi over and go to Six Flags.  Darbi was actually moving so we had her over late July and made a day at Six Flags.  Both girls were big ole chickens and wouldn't ride much.  I think part of the problem was that we put them on an older roller coaster and it was really jerky and scared them half to death.  I left my phone in the car and didn't get any pictures so I only have my memory for that day.

We went ahead and allowed Reese another sleepover that was closer to her birthday and she invited Ella over and we went to White Water.  Ella is a much bigger daredevil than Reese so any of the bigger rides Ella went on with either me or David.  The day before I took the girls for mani/pedis, lunch, shopping, and then a dinner.  The next day we went to White Water.







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