Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1st grade!

I can't believe that I have a first grader!!!!  I'm not quite sure when this happened??????  Kindergarten wasn't too hard for me because she was at the same place as her daycare, but 1st grade in public school was a big adjustment for me.  Reese came home with some attitude as well.  It's like she realized that she is such a "big" girl that she doesn't have to listen.  I nipped that one in the bud quickly but this is going to be an interesting year.


Can you tell she was thrilled for me to take her picture?

She was so ready for me to leave!

I walked her to her classroom the first day and I offered to take her the next day as well.  Do you know what she said to me?????  "Mommy I can do it, but you can walk me tomorrow if it will make you feel better."  Um, yeah thanks Reese!

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