Sunday, April 17, 2011

New York City (Times Square, Central Park, China Town)

I was really excited for Reese to see Times Square because I knew she would be in total awe of all the lights.  The moment we got off the subway Reese could do nothing but stare with her mouth open.  She was so entranced that she kept stopping and staring at all of the lights.  David finally put her on his shoulders and she was able to look around all that she wanted.

The poor thing was so tired she couldn't even muster up a smile!


I knew that I wanted to take Reese into Toys R Us because they have this awesome Ferris Wheel.  I'm not sure who was more excited, David or Reese, when we got the Scooby Doo car. 


There was this huge Wonka candy section but I wasn't able to go in because the store was closing *sniff sniff*
We then headed to the M&Ms World store because I knew Reese would love that place as well.  It was PACKED!  It was around 11 PM and I just love how NYC is still hopping!

After we left the M&Ms store we went across the street to the Hershey store where Reese got a pillow with "her" name on it.  Both girls were pretty tired so we headed back to the train back to Ryan's apartment to call it a night.
The next morning we rode the Staton Island ferry so David and Reese could get a better look at the Statue of Liberty.  David kept saying he didn't expect the statue to be so small.  We definitely need to take a trip to Liberty Island so David can see her up close.  After we got back we headed to the subway to go to Dylan's Candy FAVORITE place in NYC!!!  Unfortunately it was jam packed and you could barely walk around. :(  We still had fun picking out candy and just looking around. 

This was the only picture that I got of Reese in front of Dylan's.  I can't remember what exactly she was doing...I think being a robot.

After we finished at Dylan's mom wanted to see the gardens in Central Park.  I of course took the opportunity to take some pictures of my girls.  Sorry for the overload!













I absolutely adore this picture! :-)

Our next stop was China Town as mom wanted to stop at a bakery called Baby Cakes, I wanted to buy some pashminas and David wanted to buy a fake Rolex.  *sigh*  Yes David wanted to fulfill his wish of being the ultimate tourist in NYC.  On the way to Baby Cakes we passed Zarin Fabrics, for those that watch Housewives you know that Jill is owner of this store.  Ryan actually wanted her picture taken in front of the store.

Look at Reese, heehee!

David got to fulfill his wish of getting "Folex".  He was so excited about his purchase and how he had to be sneaky, etc, etc.  It wasn't until later that he realized that 2 of the knobs don't even work, ha!  We had to leave the next morning (with a car service, no subway/bus/walking for me!) and it was sad to leave Ryan.  I look forward to making many more memories on our visits to her!

I will end with a video of my sweet baby girl crying in her sleep. The video is dark but if you listen closely you can hear her.  I wonder what she was dreaming about!

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