Saturday, April 16, 2011

New York City!!! (Central Park Zoo)

We had lots of fun in NYC and so I have lots to share!!!  It really does stink that Ryan moved so far away, but I guess one positive is that it will be fun to visit her.

Every other time I have gone to NYC I stayed in my company's corporate apartment so I always caught a cab and went straight there.  Well, Ryan SWORE to me that it was super easy to catch the bus from the airport, grab the train, and then walk a few blocks to her apartment.  I was really unsure of this and agaisnt my better judgement I did what she said.  MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!  Imagine three adults, a five year old, a five month old, a bunch of suitcases, bags, and a stroller.  Oh and in case you were wondering NYC doesn't really have elevators down to the subway.  It had to be one of the worst experiences of my life.  Needless to say we took a car service for the trip back to the airport!

This is where I will begin the fun...

It was really cute to see how excited Reese and Ryan were when they saw each other
Reese thought the subway was pretty cool

She wanted to take her picture by all the tile work of animals

We spent an hour or so at the Central Park Zoo.  It was really small and not that great.
The actual Children's Petting Zoo was actually more fun.  Reese is posing on an acorn for me since I love squirrels.
A big egg!
I thought this duck with a blue bill was so neat!


I love this picture of the two of them.  It was sooooo funny seeing David getting in and out of this thing!
Here is a video so you can experience the humor as well!




After Reese played in the children's zoo we headed off to explore more of Central Park

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