Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Excuse Me"

OK, I admit that in the Hall household we are pretty liberal when it comes to the bodily functions.  We do however still teach Reese proper manners and when/where it is OK to pass gas, etc.  We have been working on "excuse me" when she does do it.  Well, I am telling you all of this so I can tell you a funny story (if you're not already dying of laughter).  Reese was in the bathtub playing by herself and I was in Rowie's room putting on her PJs.  I hear Reese say "Excuse me".  So I go in there and I ask her "Reese why did you say excuse me?"  She informs me that she "pooted".  I then remind her that it's OK to poot in the bathroom and no one is around.  She says to me "But mommy I'm in here!  I have to say excuse me to myself!!!"  All I could do was say "OK" and walk out and laugh!

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