Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

David and I have never been big on Valentine's day but I do look forward to my truffles each year!  We let Reese pick out where we would all go as a family for dinner and she chose Five Guys.  OK, whatever you want!  Mom and Dad joined us as well and we had a yummy dinner of burger and fries.  I was surprised that some many other families did the same thing as well.  Rowie was content and Reese was well behaved so it was a nice family outing.

I bought a Valentine themed tutu to take pictures of Rowie so I enlisted David's help yesterday.  I can't say he was exactly thrilled but he humored me for as long as Rowie allowed.  Be prepared for overload as I can never decide which ones to share.

My little Buddha baby


Hands are yummy!  This is her favorite thing to do now that she has discovered her hands.

Making eyes with the camera

Drip!  She's a drooling queen!


Giving daddy her best smiles!



David hated the hat that I made :-)

I wanted to take pictures of the girls together so I had Reese lay down and she just started posing.  She cracks me up sometimes!  She either wants her picture taken or she's irritated by it.  It could have something to do with the popcycle that I had promised her. :-)



This is my absolute FAVE picture.  I just love the glint in her eyes that she is up to no good yet innocent at the same time.


So after I took a few of Reese I decided how I wanted to shoot the girls together.  Well, what I wanted didn't really work out.  I wanted Reese on her back and then Rowie laying on top of her.  Rowie had other ideas and wouldn't lay her head down and then she was drooling all over Reese.  Reese DID NOT like that!  Plan B.  I'd just have her sit in Reese's lap.  Well, by this time Rowie was tired of being naked (thank GOD she didn't pee on Reese) and was hungry.  I got one picture semi in focus and then all hell broke loose.  Rowie pulled Reese's hair and pinched her.  Now I have been the recipient of a Rowie pinch and they do hurt!  Reese was such a trooper and she tried so hard to still smile and take the picture.  I'm going to have to try again another day!



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