Monday, February 7, 2011

Freezing Time

Sometimes I wish that I could just freeze time for just a little while!  Rowie is growing up way too fast.  As a first time mom I was so anxious for Reese to get to the next stage.  I'm trying to take things slow with Rowan and just go with the flow.  I wish I could keep her my little baby for a little longer.  This week she has started to really reach for things and bat at them.  She knows how to put her yummy fingers in her mouth (still refuses a paci) and can sit up supported.  She is only 3 months old!!  I'm afraid she's going to be walking at 10 months at the rate she is going.  This is my last baby and I just want to slow things down!  She has rolls everywhere that are just completely adorable,  scrumptious cheeks that I wonder how in the world her neck can support, and the cutest baby butt cellulite!  She's just a little porker and I love every squishy bit of her!

Reese is growing up way too fast as well.  She no longer has a baby face and she has the body of a little girl.  There isn't a roll of baby fat anywhere on her.  She's so smart and can do multiplication tables, read, add/subtract, and so much more.  She's very animated and will talk your head off.  We went to dinner a few nights back and a couple made the mistake of striking up a conversation with her.  She preceded to tell them that Rowie is "0" and that she has a soft spot.  But don't worry!!!  That soft spot will grow together.  Her full name is Rowan Christine Hall and that she doesn't have any teeth.  I could go on and on.  So, if you see us out and about my suggestion to you is just ignore us and run the other way!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

"She no longer has a baby face and she has the body of a little girl. There isn't a roll of baby fat anywhere on her."

Same here with Paige. And I swear it happened seemingly in an instant.
