Saturday, May 8, 2010


We decided to give soccer a try this spring to see if Reese had improved any.  I do have to say that she did improve she just isn't a natural. :-)  She took more interest in playing this year but most of the kids got bored after about 15 minutes.  Reese would then complain of being tired and would try and play in the dirt.  We'll see if we'll give it a try this fall.  She's getting old enough where she should be able to tell us if she wants to continue.




These were taken during one of her games.  She stopped running the field so they let her play goalie.  Normally there isn't a goalie, LOL
Her favorite part was running through the tunnel at the end of the game!

They had a party at the end of the season and they each got a certificate and a trophy.
I think we're going to give swim lessons and gymnastics another try.  We shall see!  We try and keep her in one activity at a time but honestly she is like me and would rather stay home!

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