Saturday, February 13, 2010


I have to admit that I seriously doubted we would get the snow "storm" that was predicted on Friday.  The Weather Channel was predicting it to hit about 1 PM and everyone in my office kept looking out the windows for the first sign.  1 PM came and went and it wasn't until close to 2:00 that the first flakes made their appearance.  After about an hour the gound was covered and so my office made the decision to shut down early.  I had a conference call so I had to stick around for another hour and by the time I left everything was covered. 

The view from the parking deck of my office complex
Trees leaving work
The most awful traffic EVER!  Imagine 12 lanes of traffic just stopped
Atlanta traffic in snow
Snowy Branches
43/365 Snowy Branches
I had dinner plans that night so I was able to just take a couple of pictures.  I stayed over at my friend Christine's mom's house.  Just like we did in high school!  That morning I woke up and had to drive back home on the icy roads because Reese and I were headed to the circus.  Right before we left I took a few pictures outside.  Unfortunately a large portion of the snow had already melted, but it was still beautiful!
Spring breaking free!

Snow in Tulip Tree

Snow in tree
So odd to see blooms with snow all around.
44/365 No Spring :-(
Reese actually let me take a few pictures of her outside.  She is getting much better about giving in to me on the picture taking.
Snow Day!

Snow Day!
A friend of mine says she tells her daughter there is a monkey in the camera to get her to look.  It's worked pretty well for us until Reese started acting like a monkey...
Monkey Girl

Monkey Girl

Snow Day!

After our little photo session we were off to the circus!!!

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