Saturday, February 27, 2010

Project 365 53-57

A catch up to some Project 365 pictures.

Wall of Bows
Reese has so many bows!  A really good friend made a cute little dress with ribbons to put them all on.
53/365 Wall of Bows
Body Art
It never fails that she comes home with marker all over her hands and face after school
54/365 Body Art
This didn't turn out quite like I envisioned but still neat.  I did it while Reese was in the bath and I was fighting the cats to stay out of it.
55/365 Milk
Elephant Love
Reese received this elephant from my mom's coworkers at the flower shop right after she was born.  It has her name and birth date embroidered in the ear.  She sleeps with her as her pillow.
56/365 Elephant Love
Oh where to begin with this darn clam.  Reese absolutely loves it and David likes to pretend with the clam just as much.  I think David loves these silly games more than Reese!
57/365 Clam

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