Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today was David's birthday and Reese was super excited to celebrate!  We don't normally do cake for David or my birthday but that was all that Reese could talk about.  I bought some hats and Reese and I "surprised" David with our hats and shouts of happy birthday.  David could hear us in the garage scrambling around trying to get our hats on.
The birthday boy!
Aren't they the cutest!!
They are like 2 little twins here!
Yummy German chocolate cake.  I didn't realize that German chocolate cakes had coconut.  David hates coconut.  Oops!
OK, you'll have to forgive me posting so many pictures of them blowing out the candles but I honestly couldn't choose!

Love those cheeks!!!
34/365 Happy Birthday Daddy!


After dinner David retired to the bedroom for his night "off" and I got Reese ready for bed.  She cracked me up because she was posing in the mirror and said "I feel like a rock star!  I look hot!!!"  We are really in for it!

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