Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Celebration Continues

The festivities continued when we met my family for dinner Friday night at Garrison's.  They are a yummy, yummy steakhouse!  When I told Reese where we were going she said that daddy already had his party!

Reese did fairly well sitting quietly and playing with the crayons.  She thought they were great because they were triangles.  At one point she was sitting so quietly I felt bad for her and talked to her. This has never happened because normally she is a little chatter bug!
I had to make sure I took a picture of Ryan and Reese because I didn't have anything from 2009!

Reese was all about David's birthday pie!


This is my picture for Project 365.  I got a yummy dessert drink!
36/365 Yumminess!

The festivities continued into Saturday and we had a party with friends to celebrate the birthday boy.  David "celebrated" a little too much and I was left to deal with it.  I really am an AWESOME wife!

Not sure what John is doing because I never got an offer of help from him! LOL

Fun games!
37/365 Beer Pong

I think David had a good time celebrating his 35th birthday!  His 40th will be very low key!

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