Saturday, October 3, 2009

Is it time for a mini-van??????

It's official....I'm a soccer mom. Next thing you know I'm going to have a stick figure family on the back of my SUV. Her first "game" went OK. She got very shy when she realized that mom, dad, Ryan and John came out for her first game.

Gathering around for the coach to talk to them.

Look at that stance!

Gathering in a circle to stretch

I have no idea who this little boy is, but he's practically sitting on my little girl!

Someone please tell me what's the point of these 2 exercises

In line for her turn at shooting at the goal

Score!! At this point she realized everyone was watching her and she got extremely shy and refused to do anything else.

Aunt Ryan to the rescue!

These demonstrate her amazing form!

I love how my dad is smiling at her in the background

Daddy giving Reese some pointers during the "game"

Go Reese Go! And she did....past the goal and down a hill. Poor thing started crying because everyone was yelling at her from different directions.

She then decided she had enough and left the game to hang out with John :-)

1 comment:

Misty P. said...

she looks so cute in her oversized tshirt :)