Sunday, April 26, 2009

Callaway Gardens "aka Ode to Fran"

Fran agreed to make the long drive with me to Callaway Gardens so I could practice some of my portrait skills on her. She was a good sport!

These were the first shots that I had that day and they were in the butterfly house. I didn't get any shots of the butterflies because they would land and close their wings. Oh and the one that did actually have it's wings open a little bit...I stepped on it! I felt so bad!

I thought the light was so pretty hitting Fran's face.

Pretty pansies. We are actually growing these in a can right now as a project for Reese.

It was such a gorgeous day!

I couldn't decided if I liked the color or B&W version. She's gorgeous either way!

This was my favorite non-Fran shot of the day. There is just something about it that I love.

Towards the end of the day we got a little silly. This was at the chapel on the grounds.

I liked how this tree framed out the mossy area on the lake.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cute Cullie

Cullie really is just a sweet kitty. He loves to sleep in Reese's bed and his favorite thing to do is to find something small to curl up in to.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

More hats

I have gotten a few orders and requests for hats so I'm glad that I can keep making them. Here are just a few more that I've done.

Ryan wanted something different so I used an ombre yarn, it makes a swirl effect

Burgundy on FranCelery green on Christine

Visit to West Georgia

A group of my sorority sisters decided to make the boring trek (man I don’t miss that drive) to Carrollton to visit the campus. In some ways the campus is exactly the same and others holy moly! It just wasn’t fair! We didn’t realize how bad we had it! :) They have this state of the art gym and new buildings…totally jealous! Even our hangout had completely changed and was bigger and better than ever. Maybe that is just what happens with least that is what I tell myself!!! We ate at all of our favorite places and just walked around campus. We then went on to “the hall” to visit the girls. They are actually getting a house and will no longer have to live in the dorms. Lucky girls!

Here are a few shots from the day.

This was taken on "The Mounds". This was an area where we all liked to hang out.

Gorgeous Christine
Me and Christine

Friday, April 17, 2009

Birds and the Bees-Phase I

***TMI Warning~If you can't handle body part names then this post isn't for you. Consider yourself warned***

Well, we have started getting the questions about babies. David called me this morning to tell me about the little "chat" he and Reese had last night. Reese was having some TV time before going to bed and they were watching Spirit which is a Disney movie about horses. There is a part where Spirit is born and he basically just "appears". (Gosh how I wish that is how it happens! Makes me think of big huge panda bears and how they give birth to something the size of a stick of butter. I mean REALLY! REALLY!!! Give me a freaking break!!!!! Kangaroos too, those are like the size of ants! Sorry, I digress) Well Reese sees this magical "appearing" and says "Did he come out of his mommy's butt?" Now if I was there I would have said "No sweetie, he comes out of his mommy's belly." What is David's response? "No sweetie, he came out of his mommy's vagina." She takes that in stride and then fast forward in the movie and there are lots of ponies around. She asks "Did those come out of their mommys' baginas too?" "Yes, sweetie. You came out of mommy's vagina too." Her response "Yeah..."

I am sure you all are just as shocked and speechless as I am!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Egg Dyeing

This year we didn't actually dye eggs until after her hunt. We took a few of the dyed eggs to my Nanny in the nursing home. Ryan insisted on doing this with her this year. And I have to tell you that Ryan was getting upset that Reese was "messing it up" and not sharing the eggs with her!! LOL! For those that don't know Ryan is 28 :).

Notice that Ryan is wearing Reese's sunglasses

Her hands were so nasty

She was being little Ms Attitude

I can't wait for next year!

Blowing Bubbles

One of Reese's favorite things to do is blowing bubbles. I guess any young child can't pass up the opportunity to run through bubbles and pop them as they float through the sky. After Reese's Easter Egg hunt we changed her clothes and let her play with the bubbles that "Granmudder" put in her bag. These are some of my favorite shots. It has been so great being able to get out and take pictures again! Hello Spring!

She is trying so hard to blow the bubbles but nothing is happening. She is blowing too hard. Notice the bug on her hand :)

She just couldn't get it to work!

Ahh, sweet success!

My favorite shot of the day!

My beautiful baby girl!!!

Easter Egg Hunt #2

I will be posting Easter into a few posts because I took so many pictures...Imagine that!

My mom decided to put the majority of Reese's Easter presents in eggs this year. Reese had a great time, but the eggs were so big they didn't fit in her basket! We had a great time this year with her. The older she gets the more fun things are!

The basket the Easter Bunny brought

This was the first egg that Reese found. She didn't want to get it because the spider was going to get her. We finally realized she meant "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"

In our family the "Silver" egg is the one to get!! :)

We had to empty her basket at one point
She was very sad because she couldn't find anymore eggs
Peeking through the trees

She is trying to open this egg and nothing more, ha!

Just having a great time

Being silly
After the egg hunt we had a YUMMY dinner!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


We decided to get a zoo membership this year so I'm sure we'll be heading there quite a bit. This time we went with Heidi and her family along with Fran and Allan. We all had a great time but it was COLD! As soon as we got there Reese saw that Ella was coming too (Heidi's little girl) and Reese was so excited. She ran right up to her and gave her a big hug and they held hands for the majority of the day.

The first thing we did was see the flamingos. The one pro of it being cold was that this area didn't stink. It is normally bad!

They are both just too cute with one another!

This is Heidi's sweet little girl Annalysa. Heidi was holding Ella's sucker and we were all standing around talking at lunch. After a little while we hear this sucking sound and realize that Ana had been sucking on Ella's sucker. In case you wonder the phrase "It's like taking candy from a baby" is a crock!
Julianna (Heidi's oldest), Reese, and Ella having fun together at our picnic

This was the guys coming back from loading everything back into the car. I just love how green it is!

These are some ugly birds but I love the orange/red.
Reese wasn't too happy to see the lions because they eat goats. She started asking to see the goats as soon as we got to the zoo.
Fran and Allan. We are going to their wedding in Ireland in December.
The goat Reese fell in love with.
Standing at the trough. She wouldn't let him out of her sight. Notice her cutie hat I made for her :)

I didn't realize goats have such freaky pupils

Notice their both have the same expression

And again...

And the day isn't complete without a ride on the train!