Monday, March 30, 2009

Someone please pass the soap...

It has been a challenging week to say the least. It's so hard when David is out of town and we're going on week #2. My hat is off to all of the single parents out there.

I would say the worst (so far) was yesterday. We had her ballet pictures and I couldn't get her off my leg. She was just scared to take the picture! I finally told her we could leave if she wanted too and then she decided she wanted to take the picture. Did a big ole grin when it was time. I think she is having some separation issues with David being gone so long. Fast forward to that night. She did not want me leaving her room and kept coming out. I finally told her that if she came out again I was going to take away her animals. She looked me dead in the eye and cocked her head and said "Then just go ahead and take them". I really do think my mouth was open in shock. I never thought I would have to deal with a sassy three year old!!! She immediately covered her face on the bed because she knew she was in trouble. But, I do believe that is the first time (and won't be the last) that I will want to wash her mouth out with soap.

But, to end on a cute note here is my baby girl in her dance costume. Please ignore the elephant ankles :).

Sticking her tongue out

Big ole grin

And the beginning of a fishy face smile

*No child had their mouth washed out with soap in this story. I can't promise anything for those teenage years though...


Vicki said...

LOL...nice disclaimer!!!

Reese looks ADORABLE in her dance outfit!!! So pretty!

Breathe in, breathe out, girl! Im online most nights of the week if you feel the need to explode. LOL. I hope tonight goes better. At least you didnt take her bed apart like I did.... ;-)

Erin said...

I thought she was adorable in the outfit too :). I could do with out those stupid bows on the shoulders. They keep coming undone and they are just huge.

She asked for her animals back tonight and I told her what would happen. She came with every excuse before I left the room, but so far she has stayed in. We shall see!

Unknown said...

Not a fan of the outfit or the bows in her hair, but she is my little sassy stinker.