Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Project

Well, I started a new project for myself. It all started with my friend Jamie showing me a link to the cutest hat. I immediately thought "I can do that!" and the search was on for patterns. I'm not a creative person, but I can follow directions! These are the first 2 fully completed hats that I've done that are both going to Jamie. I put the flowers on pins so they are easily changed out. I'll post new ones as I get them finished. I actually had to bribe Reese one morning to model them for me. The next day she wakes up and said "Mommy, can I take a picture with the beautiful hat so I can get a special treat??" She learns fast!

This one is navy and is a little hard to see. The flower is double yellow with pink center.

Extra flower to go with the hat. Lavendar, lime green, grape center

Rose petal pink. Flower is hot pink, aqua, and yellow center

I only got to take a couple of shots and then they all started looking like this, LOL. She decided it was too cold outside.

Extra flower is chocolate brown, cornflower blue, and wine center

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