Sunday, March 1, 2009

Playdate and the FLU

We had a fun playdate with my sorority sisters to an interactive neighborhood in Gainesville.

I just love this picture even though it's out of focus. Look how long her hair is!!!!

They had a little grocery store that Reese was able to get groceries and then I rang her up. We then switched and she got to be the cashier.

I thought this was a sweet picture of Maghan and her son Stephen in the "dentist's office"
She told me she was Bob the Builder

After we finished playing we all heading to the Mall of Georgia to eat lunch. Reese played hard and didn't get a nap. Before we even left the parking lot of the mall she was passed out. When we got home she took a nap and when she woke up she was burning up. She had a 104 temp and I called Christie of course. We took her to the Dr on Monday and they confirmed that it was the flu. Poor baby! She had to stay home for a week. She only got sick once and that was because she was coughing so hard. It was nice because she would ask to go to sleep and that NEVER happens. I'm happy to have my baby girl back to normal though.

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